We're abandoning Direcway and signing up with WildBlue. Because of our isolation, I predict that their signal will also be weak. So what type/brand of wireless router do you recommend? The ones I know about are all preferably for DSL or Cable - I know of none that accomodate the unpredicitability of a weak Satellite signal.
Thank you for your help. I just found this site as I researched my router problem. It is a fun place to explore!
We live in the sticks with poor (Direcway Satellite) connectivity. Our Netgear wireless router got sizzled by lightning and we have had no luck with the replacement Netgear Wirelesss Next product. Now I know it's because our bandwidth is poor (thank you, Testmy) so what should be use, "Steady Stream" technology being out of the question?
Did I say, "HELP"?