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Posts posted by Mark.leitch

  1. Hi Chaps, as you have already guessed I work in a school. I need a way to get 30 devices to test at the same time. Get each device to do a basic connectivity test to simulate a low band with site. Then sit and wait for the rest. Then do a nasty band with site simulation Eg. Friend Face  and then sit and wait for the rest. Then do a streaming test. Then, consolidate the results. Am I dreaming? This will see if the devices are any good at sharing band with, If the AP's are good at sharing out the band with.


    The process would have to be, Log in and generate a URL. Get the devices all to look at the URL and then wait. Probably Generate a QR code that the devices could scan.  Then the host account hits Go, and the mayhem begins.....

    Yours inquisitively. Mark

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