Neighbors are approx. 150 and 250 feet away. I'm closer to the remote terminal than they are. Spyware: Spysweeper, set to update and sweep everyday.
UPDATE: Finally got to level 2 support, a guy in St. Louis named Chuck. Talked to him for about two hours. THANK GOD FOR PEOPLE LIKE CHUCK! He shall sit close to the right hand of God. Their 10 day automatic speed increase never happened because of some wires being crossed in my area, or so he says. Sounded good to me. At any rate, he cranked up the speed and ripped off the knob....manually, of course. It was the only civilized thing to do.
Now I am running at nineteen hundred and eleventy kila-whatevers up and null set down. I'd post my speed test, but with what I've seen posted around here so far, that would be like showing up for Cruise Night at Sonic in a Simca. And I don't compare my things anymore as it might once again make me feel marginalized and insignificant, 'cause one time, at band camp...
So my speed went up and life is good. At this moment, as I type this sentence, I'm a happy camper. Heck, I might even become a bulletin board moderator 'cuz in those two hours with Chuck I gained enough knowledge of DSL to rule the world. And, my puny subjects, I WILL do both tomorrow, but right now my wife says I have to do the dishes.