i posted this in help too but of course no one goes there:
YOYO..IT MAKES MY AWAY MESSAGE POP UP AUTOMATICALLY AND IT SAYS: Auto response from (my sn): NEW PICS FROM THE BEACH h*tp://w*w.chadwhack.com/pics/photos.pif !!!!!
dont click the link
can someone please help me, like ASAP?
i do not know how i got it...i cannot acess my task manager....HELPPPPPPPP
YOYO..IT MAKES MY AWAY MESSAGE POP UP AUTOMATICALLY AND IT SAYS: Auto response from (my sn): NEW PICS FROM THE BEACH http://www.chadwhack.com/pics/photos.pif !!!!!
dont click the link
can someone please help me, like ASAP?
i do not know how i got it...i cannot acess my task manager....HELPPPPPPPP