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About AAdjuster

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. I haven't got a clue how, I think a good day. Maybe it's that PowerBoost RR emailed me about.
  2. I have tried most of the anti-virus software out there, the rsults as far as download speed is concerned is just about the same with all of them. Except when I use KIS 6.0. I have never used Norton.
  3. I use VanBurens_cablenut_settings_version_6_ . I use the 5000/384 ccs. But the biggest improvement comes when I install Kaspersky Internet Service 6.0. My download speed will go from 7500-7900, to 8300-8700 when I install Kaspersky Internet Service 6.0. Why I don't know. Download a copy of KIS 6.0 and tell me what your results are. They have a trial you try. My download speeds stay pretty much the same, once in a while it will drop some but not much. My download speeds stay pretty much the same as time go's by
  4. Here's my latest download test, Roadrunner 8000/512.
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