Nice speed if you like being the "best of the worst".
Don't know how I scored above the cap. Probably just mathematical calculations.
(a) faster than dial-up,
( I don't get dropped and
© I still have much more disdain for Comcast cable than for Verizon (but they came close this time) so, as much as I would like to be faster and still feel a bit snookered by their marketeers, this is livable for $30/month.
Does anyone know the details about DSL wire length vs. speed capabilities ? They say max lengt h is 18K ft (but only for 768/128) and that 1.5/384 is only up to 11,000 ft. (beyond that you get too many errors on the line). Can anyone verify that ? (or is Verizon blowing smoke again) ?
I guess the only way to see about getting 1.5/384 is approaching Verizon through the backdoor and not through the "normal [DSL group] channels as I did in order to get DSL in the first place.