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Everything posted by leprien27

  1. leprien27


    I would like to create a folder that targets the recycler like my documents targets documents and settings current user. I thought I could make a replica of my documents, but it don't work. U can not associate a document folder to it. I added property menu's that are for my documents to the recycle bin and a couple of other things to make it more like my documents. Then recyclebin started thinking it was my documents double clicking it brought me to the target listed in properties just like in my documents only the other properties of recyclebin were still there but to see the recycle bin rather than target you have to double click desk top before right clicking to explore recycle bin (S#!t Can) a regular
  2. leprien27


    You can not link a document folder to recycler. I cant beleive it is true that recycle bin dose not use the recycler. Its nameing techniqes are funny to me. Dose it delete original file then make a copy. Or save file in recycle bin and put a referance in recycler. Dose anyone know how to add a property tab to an exsisting folder that it currently dosent have. I am looking hard for Tabs like this that are global and can be called by more than one operation. I will be generating example regestry to show, maybe then some one will see what I am talking about
  3. leprien27


    I would like to create a folder that targets the recycler like my documents targets documents and settings current user. I thought I could make a replica of my documents, but it dont work. U can not associate a document folder to it. You can though add the property menu's that are for my documents to the recycle bin and target it and it works. but to see the recycle bin rather than target you have to double click desk top befor right clicking to open recycle bin (S#!t Can) a regular double click takes you to the recycler folder. Oh yeah I cant even target the actual file in recycler. I am trying to add a sharing option, and current total of mb used in recycle bin. like it was a drive of its own. I was thinking of making my own erase dir with a del.exe for that directory only, then linking a folder to it. It's confusing
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