My family finally caved into getting dsl where we live. It was installed Wednesday morning. I have been trying to download stuff and surf the web and half the time the connection is so bad i cant connect. When i run tests on here I get like ( 30+ KB dl and 14 ul). However when i actually download anything i rarely get a speed faster than 2-3KBps. Occasionally it spikes up to 20-30, but it only lasts a few minutes then falls back down to the 2-3. When I reset the modem and router, the speeds seems to be where it needs to be for a short time, but then back to spit. My wireless connection is very good at 54 Mbps.
I have already called the dsl company (Hughnet) or something like that and I was instructed to re-register and all that good crap. My problem continued....Any help????