all i can say is i'm on PlusNet with 8mbit i'm about 1km Map Distance, 1.5/2km Line Length.
it's fine usually great speeds, get disconnected every 200/300 hours or so. i find certain applications seem to make it disconnect - Enemy Territory Server Indexing seems to disconnect me often.
i got 8.1Mbit (1 true MB/s) from i get average 300-600kb/s from PlusNet Gaming & Hosting and other good servers. (as i run
it depends if the server you're downloading a file from is capped or has alot of users downloading
my upload is anywhere between 60 and 90 KB/s. (once got 109kb up for a few mins XD)
i have about 7 PC in my house but about 4/5/6 are used at once. not all constant downloading but surfing and still gaming fine.
pings of 10-30. 20 with 2 players on Enemy Territory.
only problem is the servers side alot of the time, the main ET Servers have Bots which create abit of lag not due to connection just because hte mod is poorly written imo. (omnibot)
i think it's Line Noise. most people i know who live in remote areas have disconnect issues.
it's down the lines quality, exchange, contention (i'm on 20:1, most domestic stuff is 50:1 jammed up with P2P Users), line noise, resistance probably comes in somewhere, then you have the ISP Gateways (these can be busy or empty, depend which one you connect to etc),
then it's the route it takes, if it takes say 30 hops to get to a server you can have a great ping but there can be a latency anywhere along that path. changing ISP may not cure it but may change the route making it better or worse, if there is a problem bewteen the link of say England and Germany and say alot of ISP take the same route, all thouse servers will have high latency no matter what ISP.
MaxDSL can be down to poor hardware in the exchange i remember that one of my dads mates had our line swapped onto a different (pre?)processor because the fault list was as long as the room.
as someone said line length can be an issue, u can be next door to that exhcange but where the wires go depends on the service holes. also doesn't mean you'll get a bad connection i know someone on a remote farm getting (pritty much) 2 true MB/s almost all hours of the day. they get occational disconnects.