Just got it installed today. Seems to be working good so far. Its no high speed, but its much better than the dial up I just came from!!
And one thing I have noticed already is that LimeWire seems to work good. I thought I read somewhere that Xplornet doesn't allow the use of P2P. Netkaster seems to be ok with it I guess.
I actually didn't get the Xplornet system, I got the Netkaster system which is basically exactly the same. Just looking for others with experience with this system.
I know this is the Xplornet area, but I wasn't sure where to post this. I have just recieved my Netkaster system and I am waiting on the installers to put it in. Just wondering if there are any others out there running this system yet?
I am located in northern BC.
It appears to be the same equipment as my friends Xplornet system. Even in the instructions there is mention of Wildblue. The dish assembly is a Raven setup.