Speed test statistics
Download speed: 108736 bps
Upload speed: 55616 bps
Quality of service: 96 %
Download test type: socket
Upload test type: socket
Maximum download pause: 140 ms
Average download pause: 107 ms
Minimum round trip time to server: 439 ms
Average round trip time to server: 1713 ms
i'm paying for 128 kbps, so i think thats fine, but why is the upload speed almost half of the download speed?
i've read in an old thread that rapidshare was giving free premium accounts. a member from here, daycheck, had gotten like 100, could u send me one plz? the point is, it takes me 4:30 hs. to upload a 95 MB file, at 6.5 KB/sec. But my connection can reach up to 13.3 KB/sec when downloading, how can i increase the upload speed?