just want to ask if only the pins 4 and 6 will be shorted ryt? so the remaining pins 1,2,3,5 will be hanging free(not touching each other)..what if ill put a wire only for the two pins that shorted pins 4 and 6, then the rest pinss 1,2,3,5 will be blank, if you use a tester only pins 4 and 6 will have the continuity is that possible? is it the same effect with the canopy(will be resetted)..?
if posible..("correct me if im wrong..") assuming that i resetted my canopy, the default settings will be back ryt? what default configuration should i put then? for exmaple the IP configuration, if the canopy will be resetted, the IP configuration that smart broken inputed there will be gone, in that case even if i reset my canopy my connection will totally out..so what should i do then..?