Hmm well I got Xp with sp 2
ISP is the only possible at my region, although im sitting on a public network at a school and it has worked to play before using wireless here.
Atm Im sitting on a laptop with an Intel® PRO/wireless 2200 bg Network connection and a realtek RTL8139/810x Family fast ethernet NIC and my modem is a software toshiba but that doesnt matter.
But Timpawlak, does sitting on a WAN mean I can not connect to the server at all? I mean ive been able to log in on other occasions but It has just been problems the last 2 months when Ive tried. Worked out perfectly in December...
If its to any help I can send MSINFO and Dxdiag docs to anyone that is willing to help me out
Thanks guys and sorry again for my lack of skills, im 100 percent new in this matter