I am the friend he is referring to that pointed this out to him a couple days ago. First, I noticed just an upload powerboost 3 or 4 days ago. I said to my girlfriend, "sweet, now the next step is permenantly increasing it so they might actually be competitive with verizon". The very next day I noticed the speed lasting longer than just the initial 20-30 second boost. I did fairly extensive bandwidth testing, downloaded torrents... had a friggin sweet connection. Usually capped around 45k/sec, i was uploading 60k/sec with torrents and had plenty of bandwidth left over to whiz through web sites. It was able to upload a steady 150k/sec no problem. Unfortunately, that seemed to have ended between last night and right now. Now its back to the regular upload/download powerboost.
By the way, WE KNOW WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. I have a screenshot to prove it that I sent to zombievac the night I noticed it. It WAS NOT just the normal powerboost, nor did any of these 3 changes seem to require a powercycle of the cable modem. In the screenshot, the vertical lines in DU Meter are 1 min apart. You can see the upload speed of 115k/sec lasted about a minute on that first test visible on the graph, obviously longer than the powerboost time. I didn't take any screenshots, but later on in the night i had the whole bottom of DU meter showing a steady 10 mins of 90k/sec. Seems this was either an experiment or a mistake on Comcasts part. Still nice just to have the upload powerboost for now at least