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Posts posted by asker

  1. Hey risky... just what is it you are wanting to do? What is the format of the original video source? Is this something you want to compress and/or convert to another format for posting/sharing over the net. Let me know. I can point you to some freeware/shareware that will do the trick.

    Hi  bwt1953  from your  reply  to  risky  i think you are expert . my problem is  :

    I am recieving  STREAMING MOVIES from  satelite dish by adopter card ( SkySTtar  2) and using aprogram called OPEN SKY prvided by the site which provide the channels (www.broadsat.com)  . I used  WM recorder  but it allways aske about the  URL which i could not find out .by the internet explorer is not use ,only open sky progrem is used and  windowos media  plyer

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