It's not just Texas. Georgia sucks too (WB1 Duluth). This past Tuesday night at 9:00 EST, my download speed was 100kbps and upload was 26kbps. Yes, twenty-six. Monday, at the same time, it was 146 down/13kbps. Overselling capacity. It sucks because I was on WB1 within 2 weeks of it opening in my area. Speeds were awesome. Over time, I've watched it slowly degrade... and degrade... and degrade. The past few weeks it's been so bad that I actually did call Dish Network to see if something was wrong. The tech couldn't believe that the slow speeds were only due to peak-usage. She said, "If it were the entire network, we would be getting a lot more calls." Apparently, people seem to just sigh and live with it. She had a new modem sent out but it's the same thing.
If WildBlue is going to advertise, "up to" speeds, then they should adjust the monthly bill accordingly. If my average download speed is 25% of the advertised up to speed, then they should only charge 25% of my $49 bill for the month. Is that not fair?
If a customer only got 10% to 25% of Dish Network's advertised channels for a given package between the hours of 4PM and midnight, there would be a lot of complaints.