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About Aesop

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Yeah, that's what i'm thinking.. My house is about three years newer than my parents, so it might not be an old wiring issue.. Do you think I should have Cox send out a tech?
  2. Here's the results from my parents house.. However, they have the premier package, so 12down/1up...
  3. Nope, i'm not doing anything other than being on this forum/thread.. I just deleted some internet caches or cookies or whatever you call them, and restarted my computer. These are the new results.
  4. Thanks for the reply. I see the different "speed tiers", but don't remember off hand if I have the Premier(Download:12 Mbps.... Upload:1 Mbps) or the Preferred( Download:7 Mbps.... Upload:512 Kbps).. I have a feeling that it's the preferred tier.. Oh, i'm in Arizona, and i'm on cable through a modem at my house. The computer is a Dell XPS410, if that makes any difference.. I'll check out the speed at my parents house(same ISP, 10 miles away, older/slower computer) sometime this weekend just to see what they have..
  5. Hello all, I was wondering how I go about locating my ISP info. Specifically the download/upload limits or whatever.. I did a download test, which I found a bit disturbing. It also says, "May need help : running at only 27.23 % of your hosts average (Cox.net)" My ISP is Cox, but I don't know which package I have.. The results should be better, I feel. Then again, that's why i'm here as I have little knowledge in this area..
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