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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by Aesop

  1. Yeah, that's what i'm thinking.. My house is about three years newer than my parents, so it might not be an old wiring issue.. Do you think I should have Cox send out a tech?
  2. Here's the results from my parents house.. However, they have the premier package, so 12down/1up...
  3. Nope, i'm not doing anything other than being on this forum/thread.. I just deleted some internet caches or cookies or whatever you call them, and restarted my computer. These are the new results.
  4. Thanks for the reply. I see the different "speed tiers", but don't remember off hand if I have the Premier(Download:12 Mbps.... Upload:1 Mbps) or the Preferred( Download:7 Mbps.... Upload:512 Kbps).. I have a feeling that it's the preferred tier.. Oh, i'm in Arizona, and i'm on cable through a modem at my house. The computer is a Dell XPS410, if that makes any difference.. I'll check out the speed at my parents house(same ISP, 10 miles away, older/slower computer) sometime this weekend just to see what they have..
  5. Hello all, I was wondering how I go about locating my ISP info. Specifically the download/upload limits or whatever.. I did a download test, which I found a bit disturbing. It also says, "May need help : running at only 27.23 % of your hosts average (Cox.net)" My ISP is Cox, but I don't know which package I have.. The results should be better, I feel. Then again, that's why i'm here as I have little knowledge in this area..
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