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About Shenou

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Hi. Tnx for replying. Isp is Katalita. My neighbour in 1999 started buying items that are needed for internet building. Now he's a profesional administrator, he sells items that are needed for internet building. Routers and stuff. My speeds are in laptop:95kB/s upload 60kB/s. And on PC:40kB/s and 20kB/s upload. Operating systems are both Windows Xp SP2 newest patches.(autopatcher) Im trying to play Lineage2 Interlude (c6) on my PC i play the same server and everything is good. Just goto www.katalita.lt and there are some things that he's selling. Nope its not a satelite. My PC is connected via antena and to the d-link switch that connects to my pc. Well my internet speed offers very high speed in the night From 00:00 till 10 am. But administrator can give u high speed if u ask. Once i was able to hack to my internet speed regulation. There wore computer adresses and ip's and there wore speeds. One had 100kB/s other had 50kB/s. This is the link: http://img443.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wtfpw9.jpg Btw: One of my friends said that i could connect to wired lan. But i dont know how. Maby its the monitor picture that enables and disables in my Network Connection? If thats it i was trying to enable it. But it said its cable is not connected. But its strange, it cant be heavy traffic. Maby somehow someone is blocking the ports of the game when i start playing, and it just desables the package senting and it disables the internet, and thats why i get Destinatio Host Unreachable ( there is no signal to the main Antena on the Admins roof) Well mines is EDIMAX 802.11g Hi-Gain Wireless LAN USB Adapter. FCC ID:NDD9573170407
  2. http://img443.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wtfpw9.jpg This is what i get when trying to play a game for 20 seconds.First its ok everything is fine, then its this. I get lag and i disconnect, wtf is this? maby some kind of internet glitch or its something with my pc or lineage2? Some advices? Help please! Everythings fine with my other pc, internet is the same, but speed is better on my laptop. Help
  3. Hello all im news so i didn't knew where to post. My speed everytime is normal, 1ms ping, The speed is aobout 90kb/s and it says Running Very Great of ur internet speed. 4% better than normal. So its fine. BUT when i go play a game called Lineage2 ONLY ON MY LAPTOP not my standart PC my internet glitches.. Something is happening withh him. This is what its happening: I dind't saved pics but i tell u everything. I start playing (i start lineage2.exe) my ping is 1ms-6ms its good. Than when i start loging in my account, it says first: Reply from 200~ Reply from 150~ Request timed out Request timed out Hardware eror Hardware eror Hardware eror Destination Host unreachable Destination Host unreachable Destination Host unreachable Destination Host unreachable Destination Host unreachable Destination Host unreachable Destination Host unreachable Reply from 1ms Reply from 2ms Reply from 1ms And then i get disconected from the game. Its only thru my laptop, it never happends with my standart PC. Both internets are the same. But i use a some kind of antena called EDIMAX it gives very good speed at night. This week i had much internet problems, ping was about 2000 or more but i called to my ISP and they cleared everything (lazy bastards) My internet is local, cos i live in big village in Lithuania. So can anyone help me about this? Btw my antena is placed CORECLTY it's now Signal Strenght:39% Link Quality:58% And like past 2-3 monthjs it was Signal Strenght:50-70% Signal Quality:60% Help me, whats wrong? :?
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