Arg, i noticed that i spelled assistance wrong in the title. Anyhoot, i have read through some more of these post and have some more information to help anyone brave enough to help tackle this:
First off, i have gone through Van's first sticky and followed those steps.
I downloaded the cablenut program (my registry had all blanks for those values javascript:void(0);
Question ) and i uploaded what looked to by the lowest css file. That dl speed is up from 20kb/s so it is at least some imporvement.
My advertised speeds by my carrier are 3000kbps downstream and 384kbps upstream.
Finally, i was forced to recently uninstall my ethernet driver and it was replaced by winxp defaults. I searched online and they seem to be newer than the newest drivers offered by the system though. I have no idea what kind of effects this uUn-installation might have had..