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Everything posted by taffyd

  1. taffyd

    hard drive

    have tried nothing happens?
  2. taffyd

    hard drive

    yes its ATA?
  3. taffyd

    hard drive

    maxtor 160 GB
  4. taffyd

    hard drive

    OK yes ,boot is cdrom. flopy.hd. what i dont understand is can istall win 98 but not xp
  5. taffyd

    hard drive

    OK have tried this.when i boot from cd after hard drive check sys asks if hard drive is conected and then craches .message-ooooooooooo17.
  6. taffyd

    hard drive

    hello all. have a big problem, icant istall xp. cant change format to NTFS, when i format my disk with fdisk only shows 25GB. have a small program called TEST DISK , shows 4 patitions .but in windows shows only 1 with 156GB need help asp.
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