Thanks guys..
Well I connect to a Netgear router which is running the latest firmware..
I have 5 PC's, one is a dual core PC the rest are laptops. The Dual Core is hard wired the rest are wireless.
I have been here before used to be called MikeSel.. But managed to forget my password and I've also switched e-mail addresses since!
I went for the best plan available as they gaurenteed me the best speed.. As another test, I started downloading a 1.5gb torrent from many hosts! This took 1 and a half days!
My next door neighbour has the same router as me and is getting 2.2MBps from a company which went bust a long time ago!
All my PC's are free of virus and spyware etc. (As a Server Support Analyst I am pretty sure they are running at the optimum levels!)
I have 4 XP Pro machines and 1 Vista Businiss.
I used the TCP optomiser last time I was here. However i am getting the same speed as whats reported on the router stats, so I see no need.
DownStream Connection Speed 576 kbps
UpStream Connection Speed 288 kbps
Is this about average for a UK line?
Line Attenuation downstream 48 db up 15 db
Noise Margin down 15 db up 25 db
After watching a tv programme about it last night I intend to do a collection of tests from various sites at various times and complain to them about it. If nothing gets done I am going to complain some more, and to everyone I can think of about it!
I have been told by BT I should be getting between 2 and 3 MBps. I dont know how much truth there is in that, but as my neighbour get 2, I should think it wont be far off..
I live in the middle of no where, and there is only 4 houses then it's 8 miles to the next townvillage so I dont think its contention..
Its just frustrating!