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Everything posted by MicDaFLip

  1. Thanks for the welcome. I'm glad there's a place out there where people can answer each others questions and help out. Well, I've installed BroadbandOptimizer-1.5 on my MacBook Pro, and ran some tests on this site and at miranda.ctd.anl.gov:7123/ but I'm still pulling weak speeds. I should be pulling down 15mb/s, (~14.5 mb/s in reality) and throwin' out 2mb/s, (~1.8mb/s). I've tweaked the recvspace both TCP & UDP but I'm still only getting ~1.4mb/s both ways. Frustrating! I know this computer can achieve that because I had it one time. I recently formatted my HDD to my liking to remove all the junk Apple throws in. Is it possible that my software firewall (Intego NetBarrier X4) could be causing the problem? I ask this because I achieved my true speed prior to installing this firewall. However, I cannot replicate my supposed bandwidth when the firewall is disabled. Any thoughts? Thanks again.
  2. Does anybody with a MacBook Pro know of a program for OS X Tiger that is equivalent to WinXP's CableNut?
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