First off,Thank You anox195,Buntz,and peepnklown for Replying to me and the welcomes
USB 1.0? hmm well that Would explain the 4meg cap...I wonder if USB 2.0 would be any faster...
come to think of it Comcast DID suggest ethernet a bunch of times too...only problem is the only thing on the back of this are the old 56k ports and I'm not exactly savvy with taking the pc apart in anyway(case or otherwise) to install a Ether-Card...are there ways of getting extrenal ethernet ports/slots to a PC? (I'll also shop around and start asking places many questions about it...who knows maybe the geek squad has one on sale like you said)
Hmm I'm still wondering if just ALSO having Cable TV effects Cable Net at all. (there's two digital cable boxes connected to two other tvs in this home...but Comcast swears up and down that it has no effect towards it...nor does thier comcotanage or Comcast vontage VOIP) oh and At least now I have a dialtone 99.9% of the time with a different telco.
I've seen that site,even mentioned it and gotten a few intresting comments from people when I say "go to save-the-internet-dot-com"
Anywho I guess I should star shopping for a ethernet card...hopfully external if such one exists (there's no way I'm gonna dare take my pc apart )
I mean I do have a external spare HDD..through that's connected via USB too. Hm but many thanks for the help and any more help you TMN'ers can lend me.
(hmm one more T and you'd all be a bunch of crime fighting ninja turtles )
P.S.: I have gotten 4200-4400kbps-ish/~1000-1400kbps-ish speeds off speakeasy's speedtest not sure how true they really are,but have seen it peak as high as 4800(600?k down-rate)/1475(175k? up-rate)