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About darklagoon

  • Birthday 09/30/1984

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  1. Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 * * * Request timed out. 3 35 ms 48 ms 30 ms 4 41 ms 38 ms 38 ms pos-0-10-0-0-ar01.indianapolis.in.indiana.comcas t.net [] 5 38 ms 36 ms 49 ms pos-0-0-0-0-cr01.indianapolis.in.ibone.comcast.n et [] 6 50 ms 51 ms 56 ms te-0-12-0-2-603-pr01.chicago.il.ibone.comcast.ne t [] 7 103 ms 50 ms 74 ms 8 78 ms 70 ms 83 ms 216-54-253-2.ev1.net.demarc [] 9 108 ms 82 ms 81 ms 216-54-253-2.ev1.net.demarc [] 10 128 ms 70 ms 86 ms ivhou-207-218-223-126.ev1servers.net [207.218.22 3.126] 11 82 ms 85 ms 84 ms Trace complete. dunno what that means
  2. Hi, comcast just took over in my town from insight communications. my ping used to be 74.etcetc but now says 98. etcetc . when i used to do speed tests it would show my current location as my home city but now with the new ping it shows me near still water Oklahoma and thats like 4 states away. my pings have been terrible for months now. sigh.... im thinking i will have to switch back to verizon dsl, it may be slower but atleast my pings will be better and my dl more consistent.
  3. i should say that my state of illinois is several states away from OK
  4. so i did a test with www.speedtest.net and it shows that my closest server location is still water oklahoma which baffled me. also my ping has changed showing im in that area, its the same for the whole city. is it possible we are being rerouted while they switch on there stuff over here or what?
  5. how do i do a trace like that?
  6. the ping was 400 when i just checked it.
  7. ok so here i go. insight in my town was just bought out by cox but i done think they have officially switched yet, anyways. back in the summer i was getting awesome pings of about 12ms, which is really good. but then starting in about august (coincidently when the students returned to college) my ping started to get steadly worse. at the moment my ping at night averages about 250 and thats on the servers that used to give me 12. my dl dropped for 10mps to about 2-3 depending on the ping. ive had the tech guys out here about twice the first time they said the line was at about 90% usage and said something about switching us to a different line. but its still at about 250ms. the second time they came out they said there was really nothing they could do and that comcast was going to be "firing up" some new equipment that should fix the problem but im weary about that being true. so can anyone tell me that comcast taking over will fix the problem or am i just generally screwed cause of their overselling? and should i switch back to dsl, cause atleast with that i would get a steady ping and a steady speed even though its only 3 mb
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