When I first moved to the country, my only option for internet was "Xplornet" also going by the name of "Lincsat" Satellite. Their link is: http://www.xplornet.com/splash.php. Most of my computer experience has been with high speed by either Rogers, or Bell.
Since I've been with Xplornet, all I've had is problems and loss of internet and loss of my work and now they just signed a contract with the city of Ottawa for all their rural areas. This is an OUTRAGE. Sometimes I wish there was a blacklist site where I could post this, but hopefully there are people from Ottawa here to read this.
My internet costs me $70.00 per month, plus tax. That's a little steep for only being able to be on the net for 15 days out of 30. (And I'm being generous). If it's not down, one of their power grids are broken, or it's raining in South America, or they don't have enough IP addresses to go around. Way too many excuses. Or, you have to power cycle your computer and modem everyday in order to get this not much faster than dial up for that $70 bucks per month to work. I actually tried to get out of my contract but was told that I would have to pay them a large sum of money to do so. (I stupidly signed a three year contract). Oh, did I mention that there was an absorbanent set up fee? And, if something goes wrong, you have to pay to have it serviced. So, if you're thinking of doing Xplornet, please think again, as this is unreal (in a bad sense).