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About tikitom

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. it needs dx10 to run it's best and obviously to run current games which again are designed for dx10 aero runs just fine on dx9 vid. Name one pc or laptop that is in a current product line that doesn't at least have dx9 capability. Are you really throwing linux out there? Your mac os has better market penetration than linux. It's irrelevant for the mass market.
  2. this is starting to bore. It needs 2GB minimum, it needs a dual or quad core processor, it needs a 512mb dx10 video card. That's what it was designed for and that's where it runs as it should. If you haven't noticed it's mid 2008 not 2001. we're not running p3's or p4's anymore. Dual core and 1GB ram is standard on even entry level pc's. dx10 cards are cheap and that is the current standard. Personally I want my OS to be optimized for current hardware. My ipod nano has 8GBs and it cost $200. Big ram, big hard drives and multicore processors are not for the hardcore PC's anymore, they are the standard and that is what vista is there for.
  3. It was designed for 2gb and runs very well on it. Have you priced memory lately? I can get 2 gigs for less than it costs to fill my gas tank.. Not kidding, my car takes 91 or better and that just hit $4.71 here. again with the vista is a flop opnion stated as a fact. That is not a fact that is an opnion and to state "everybody knows it" is a complete fallacy. Jeez
  4. Three things about this thread: The OP buys his putes at walmart and his biggest vista gripe is the cost. Conclusion: He's poor The one who added the poll has no concept of objective polling. He preloaded it with "a flop like vista" Vista is not a flop and is at a better adoption rate since release than XP was in the same time period. I was a beta tester for XP and for Vista. I find it amusing that whenever a new version comes out the masses cry about how the previous was better, then over time adopt the newer version and learn it so when the next gen comes along they can cry about how what they currently have is better
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