I have Comcast 768K/6M package, but my upload speed can only reach 400 Kbps.
The Comcast technicians came several times, they changed the cable line, adjust the signal strength,
the upload speed indeed increased........ from 200 Kbps -> 400 Kbps............. still far away from 768 Kbps.
The technician also tried to use their own laptop, same speed. They also confirmed the cap settings are correctly set to 768K/6M.
There are no viruses, no spywares.
After their adjustment, the ping value decreased from 400 ms -> 50 ms.............. it's good, but the speed still under 400 Kbps.
They've tried to solve the problem for several weeks,, still can not figure out how to solve this.
Anyone can help??? Thanks.
CPU Centrino 1.5GHz
OS: Windows XP Professional Edition SP2
RAM 512 MB
:::.. Upload Stats ..:::
Connection is:: 375 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)
Upload Speed is:: 46 kB/s
Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (main)
Test Time:: Mon Apr 18 2005 17:57:11 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)
Connection is:: 2995 Kbps about 3 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)
Download Speed is:: 366 kB/s
Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/
Test Time:: Mon Apr 18 2005 18:06:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)
My cable modem is Motorola 5100, the following data is the signal condition
Downstream Value
Frequency 627000000 Hz Locked
Signal to Noise Ratio 37 dB
Power Level 14 dB
Upstream Value
Channel ID 3
Frequency 19500000 Hz Ranged
Power Level 54 dBmV
The following info is tested from http://ttester.broadbandreports.com/tweak
Your Tweakable Settings:
Receive Window (RWIN): 824320
Window Scaling: 4
Path MTU Discovery: ON
RFC1323 Window Scaling: ON
RFC1323 Time Stamping: OFF
Selective Acks: ON
MSS requested: 1460
(less any hops behind firewall)
TTL remaining: 47
2. Test 146000 byte download
Actual data bytes sent: 147460
Actual data packets: 101
Max packet sent (MTU): 1500
Max packet recd (MTU): 1500
Retransmitted data packets: 1
sacks you sent: 20
pushed data pkts: 1
data transmit time: 1.243 secs
our max idletime: 119.0 ms
transfer rate: 88922 bytes/sec
transfer rate: 711 kbits/sec
This is not a speed test!
transfer efficiency: 99%
3. ICMP (ping) check
Minimum ping: 49 ms
Maximum ping: 140 ms
Ping stability:
119 50 80 54 76 140 49 51 80 51
The tweak program I'm using is cablenut with the Vanburens's Cable & DSL 6000 768.ccs settings
The ethernet cable is directly connected to the cable modem.