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About Frankb7

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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Frankb7's Achievements

Earning Trust

Earning Trust (1/10)



  1. you can manage allyour music for ipod by doing it manually, open ipod, edit, preferences ,advanced tab, check ,maually sunc , pluin i pod, preferenc box shows up, do same check sync only checked songs, maunallymanage, and enable disc use great program ,free si ahrepod .com download, great for mamanging miusic, video, copy all music to your pc or another portable hard drive to save in case of a crash . i use this almost exclusively as i tunes doe too much on it's own for me.
  2. like you been with them four months , that is how long it took me to get what i paid for , that is to get the speeds we pay for, I find that hughes and this site run very close in thier readings, if you have trouble, , make three test every time you make one, do it three times a day , do it for at least fours days, this gives you a good record for you and them to evaluate. thye wil only accept hughes net site info . don't know which plan your on but the basic plan i have been told has a low threshold of 200 kb far from a 1000 kb or one meg, their staements say up to 758 on low plan but you will never see it i think , ine should at least expect to get halve below that seems ridiculous and deceptive . ggod luck
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