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About jakekills

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Hmm i have alot of things running in the background so ill check that out and ok ill try swithing to Avg ,downloading now and me and my friend tried switching internet cable, i realized its at verizons end because i checked the internet speed was at 3 meg but when i averaged the download and upload speed it was 600/300 and my friend did mine and it was also 3 meg but it was 200/300, the numbers are in DL/UP so if anyone has an answer any answer just tell me!! and i love this site fast replies
  2. Ok but if it a line issue one thier end not my end how would i report it? and rebate goes through a contract? my mom says we cant get a rebate because of the contract and i dont think its a line issue on my end because the verizon people came here 4 times checking everything up. Also i did a speed test and my average speed is around 70 kilobytes, no not even that my speed keeps jumping around every second making downloads seem forever. Oh and if your going to answer this please also answer what tweak i should use for Vanburens cablenut tweaks i believe the post i put with my info in it should give you the needed info on answering the question and if it isnt well i can give you more information oh and thank you i think im going to love being apart of testmy.net so many of my internet questions can be answered Edit: uh mudmanc what do you mean by tracing the lines, seeing where they connect and all have good insulation and connections, im going to see if i have the latest firmware right now too
  3. well i know its not the line because my friend who lives next to me has the same internet and plan and everything but hes getting what im suppose to be getting here ill show you some info oh and the answers are in order from https://testmy.net/topic-2097 1 Im running Windows XP and i think i have SP2 installed ill check later 2 My ISP is Verizon High Speed Internet and i think the connection is 3 meg but you split that by 8 and thats around 300-500 kilo per sec and the upload speed is half that so around 300-500 3 I have Tcp Optimizer, both Sg and Dr and i recently got cablenut but dont know how to work Vanburens tweaks 4 Dont know how to answer but i guess 3 meg 5 I Did that 6 Nothing is checked for Lan but i think i have Dsl so it doesnt matter i think, im very new to tweaking 7 Ethernet? i have a linksys modem if ur asking me that and it isnt wireless 8 Ive power cycled my modem more times than i can count, sometimes i left it for about 2 hours 9 Ive killed Spyware 10 I dont have ZoneAlarm just a regular windows firewall 11 I have Norton 12 I scan every week for viruses 13 I have all the latest window updates 14 I have not just ran CCleaner i have also ran uniblue and registry booster and i always clean out everything weekly 15 Ive done that but i seriously dont know what file i should use 16 I dont want to build my own file since im very knew to tweaking
  4. yes ihave and we have had the internet for a fewmonths now but nothing has changed? do you need any info to help me?
  5. Well heres my problem, i just recently upgraded my internet from my crappy 56k to a 3 meg connection from verizon but what really pissed me off is that instead of getting the speed of around 300 kilo per second im averaging about below 50 kilo per second now and my latency went way high up! My old internet though averaged about 70-90 kilobytes per second and rarely drops down below 50 witch made me really happy and now i though i was going to be really happy because i thought i was going to be downloading much faster than i did between my old connection and new one. Does anyone know any good tweaks for me though i know i still have to give you a little bit more information but if anyone thinks they can help me just post it how here.
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