hello...is me again...haiz...
my computer...oh god...
do u guys noe how can i fix this problem??
when i on9...a while...my monitor will appear this error..
-->generis host process for win32 services has problem need to close all programs...
i had search for many this kind of solutions but it didt work that all...
1st, i download the update program from microsoft, ok...and i 'run' it...still jump out that stupid error..
2nd, i change win32 folder fill name 'dll' to 'old' ...that...work a while...but few days later...
it appear again...
do u guys noe how can i fix this problem??
do i reli need to format my computer again??
oh...and...sometimes it did not appear...but..
my connection status will appear 'connect', but i cant run any web...
if i disconnect it, and connect again...it will run...but in this way,
i need to do this kind of move everytime...
so...is that the generis host process for win32 services problem??
pls...i need to noe...how can i fix this problem...i reli need help with this...