I'm really surprised it works this well too, I'm using the traffic shaper in pfsense for all the qos functions, works quite well. I forgot to mention that all users are getting a public ip address that they are free to do whatever with. we are not blocking anything but netbios outside the network.
Surprising as well is that tech support calls for the whole network are next to nothing, usually less than one call a month for anything, it just works. the current setup has been in operation for about 9 months now without any major hiccups at all. We have enough battery power to keep everything up for over an hour which really helps out with the short power outages. There's also talk of providing residents with an email account if they want it, everything is in place for it. I'm also working on a portal site for inside the network with basic tech support info, news, weather, etc.
If we ever go to a paid service, the authentication page will most likely be integrated into that portal site. There is also a possibility of iptv in the future, probably by an outside provider but we already have the network to support it.