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About DiRtyS0uL2001

  • Birthday 07/01/1983

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    Carcar City
  • Interests
    An apple a day is seven apples a week..

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  1. That's your beef Tommie Gorman, not mine.. I am me, who are you?
  2. LOL jail? hahaha Dude, we PK in-game, we PK IRL.. Months ago, everyone jumped out from that internet cafe shop after I took out my 357 and my grenade.. Lawsuits anyone? LOL hahahaha
  3. There are reasons why.. We're at the peak of the game and has so much accomplishments with it.. Our son is even a Hall-of-Famer in this game.. In 2~3 months we can max/cap our characters (if God won't forbid! But signs are He's on it right now!) and could sell it for 35~50k real money.. This is how serious MMO gaming in Asia can be..
  4. You know Shug, I'd like to do them like that siggy of yours when they come.. LOL just kidding..
  5. Hi Shug.. Yes, I'm from Philippines.. We use Globelines Broadband.. Our ISP's cabinet is located just 20~25 meters away from our residence and we can see them whenever they fix something there.. Now, this started just 3 days ago after they left fixing something at their cabinet.. Could it be that they configured/modified something there preventing us from getting the same connection as we've had before 3 years ago..? Thanks for the idea Shug, I'm going to check my connections and wirings here..
  6. Hi guys!! New here.. Been visiting this forum frequently but only as a Guest.. Can you help me out with something here? That's the screenshot I sent to our ISP regarding with our problem.. Do you guys have any idea how could that have happened, since for 3 years, everyday, that ping reply really won't change.. For the last 3 years, if we started pinging that IP and the reply goes 45ms
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