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Everything posted by vic117

  1. I haven't but im downloading it right now.
  2. I only have my account and the guest account. No other accounts. But will I be able too see all network connection on the device manager?
  3. Here is my network connection attached(Im Vista so it is in a different root)
  4. This is my very slow speed. When i use this QuickSolution of SmartBro and tested my connection. It says: It seems that you have more than one Local Area Connection enabled. Please disable other Local Area Connections, Dial-Up Connections, Wireless Connections and try again. Instructions: Press START on your desktop. Choose CONTROL PANEL from the list of menu. Choose NETWORK CONNECTIONS Right click the other enabled Local Area Connection and select Disable I check all NETWORK CONNECTIONS but there is no other connection. Can someone help me here?
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