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Everything posted by secretsongs

  1. Yep, we have a store somewhere in town and I think that is it. I have had the road blocked by 2 tractors on opposite sides of the road. I had to get out and ask if one of them could move so I could get to work.
  2. I will check this out and I am from Fort Worth living in Scroggins. NE Tx in the sticks. I believe that this is why I am having some of my internet issues. I have heared that there are still areas here that have no service at all.
  3. Well thanks for the smelly intro to the club I thank you all very much I feel welcome and in need :2funny:of fabreze
  4. Yes the old IE8 was finally removed. Well removed about 4 times. Finally got the MS updater reloaded and still tweak every other day, but it is running.
  5. Thanks. I have test my speed and I'm a turtle . I will figure my profile settings out momentarally. I'll have the html of my speed up soon. I hope.
  6. I am new here and would really like some help. Since I moved away from my computer guru back in Fort Worth. Well my computer has never been the same. I had the miss fortune of having my old computer decimated by the download of IE*8 and bought this new computer with vista on it. Compaq Presario CQ60-215DX. I have the older version of this computer that I have managed to get running good enough for my mom to play on the internet, but will want to tweak it later for her. I have many questions and will post some more later. Just happy to find a good site to get good 411 from. Letha
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