My apologies for a terse response....I almost prefaced my post with info relating to settings etc. I have cache set to 0 Mb, don't need it....I habitually clear my browser anyway before testing. I live in Florida and we upgraded to a 10Mb pipe and this was the result. I am almost confused as to why I'm getting these speeds but I have been to every speed test site we all play on and have gotten consistent results.Firefox vs.IE, little difference. I have likewise downloaded video from ftp sites and seen nearly the same results, less than a second per Mb downloaded. I'm chalking this up to don't ask don't tell lol. RR has upgraded our entire area as of late, but ever since I started tweaking (back on my 28.8k modem) I have scored wayyyyy above average or expectations.
Oddly, brighthouse was outside of my condo 3 days ago working on the poles, several trucks several crews, dunno what they were doing, I know here at the beach they are always performing maintenance due to the corrosive air, but I do know that when they left this is what I had? Any ideas? Don't look a gift horse in the mouth for 59.95 a mo? LOL. I just saw this thread after I started getting these scores (up from an avg of about 8.1) and thought Id share. Will respond if I figure out whats going on or if it falls off again, until!