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About deejson

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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    Seattle, WA

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Earning Trust (1/10)



  1. Thanks! I'll give that a try
  2. Thanks for the links. The toolbox and speed tests here are extremely useful, and I'm sure I will find this board to be a valuable asset as well. I'm not showing any packet loss with any ping tests I run except on the online site (who's name shall not be mentioned). However, as originally stated, when I plug directly into my cable modem I show 0% packet loss to that online test site but when I plug the router into the modem and my computer into the router, suddenly I show 100% packet loss to that site. This indicates a configuration or other problem with the router doesn't it?
  3. Hello. I'm not a techie, so I've always liked [this.site.has.been.blocked.for.spamming] for testing the speed of my connection, but I recently moved into and with my new broadband service found I was getting 25MB download speeds. Unfortunately when I plugged in my wireless router to the modem the router was choking me down to 8MB This was the same whether I plugged directly into the router or connected wirelessly. After a call to the router manf's tech support I ended up buying a fancy new router and that only resulted in choking the speed down to 2MB wireless (though the hardwired connection was now a nice 25MB)... further the pingtest.net was showing 100% packet loss. Another call to tech support and they INSIST that I ignore such online speedtests, as they "can't be trusted." In the end, the tech helped me make some config settings on the router (one of which was removing a firewall) and I am getting great speeds both wirelessly and hardwired, but speedtest is still telling me my upload speeds is wonky and pingtest is still showing packet loss (although my own ping tests show 100% packet received). ... what are your thoughts on free online speed tests, and what alternatives are there for a reliable upload/download speed tests and ping tests? I'm on a mac so I'm not looking for windows or unix solutions. Thanks so much for any feedback.
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