Yep, I have another question indeed.
They set up your speed based on the strength of signal needed to give a certain bitrate, right?
If they installed it on a clear sunny day, and set up the max signal usage to represent 3mbit/s (which they did), on a rainy/snowy day that needed more signal power to achieve 3mbit/s, your speed would fall; correct?
The reverse is also true and would be the better scenario; if they installed it in the rain/snow, they would set up the account with the signal strength needed to hit 3Mbit/s in the rain/snow. Then when it clears up, since the signal strength is set higher, you'd get higher than 3Mbit/s speeds?
They installed mine on a relatively clear day. There was some cloud cover but the LOS was clear. Can I expect my speed to fall in the snow? (somewhat expecting that) and would it be to your advantage to have them install on a cruddy day? (even though it's not feasible, plannable, and it's too late)