I am currently looking to buy a computer from new egg. I'm looking at a
ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe Socket 939 ATX Motherboard
MSI GeForce 6600GT 128MB PCI Express x16 Video Card
Corsair 2 512MB=1GB Memory
Thermalake 420w Power supply
and for CPU my question is that at the motherboard's web site http://usa.asus.com/products/mb/socket939/a8nsli-d/overview.htm it says on under power requirements a "Light Load" Is AMD 64 3500+ But I want to buy the AMD 64 3000+ because of costs. Will the 3000+ work on this motherboard?
With the hardware monitor failure problem. Would microsoft have a problem recognizing that I removed windows xp due to hardware monitor failure problem when I try transferring my license to another computer?
i think you people are right. when i removed the battery to check what kind it is, i then put it back in , restarted my computer , and i received a CMOS battery failed and checksome error or something like that
does anyone know if their is a way to flash bios without using a floppy drive instead using a CD drive. my bios is messed up. when i turn on my computer i get an error message saying Hardware monitor failure. it ask to press F1 to continue and F2 to enter setup. and the time and date is wrong. when i disconnect my computer from the power outlet for a few seconds , it takes me to a advanced menu where the time and date is also wrong.
motherboard--A7S-LE REV
bios--AC PI BIOS Revision 1002LE 05/09/2001
does anyone know how to make a bootable copy of windows xp home edition sp2. my original cd of windows xp looks kind of scratched and damaged but it still reads. I just dont want to have to spend another $200 dollars for a new windows xp cd.
I need helps choosing a wireless router. I have a Motorola SB5100 Cable modem with Comcast 4mbps plan. I have 2 computers. I went to linksys.com trying to look for a wireless router, but their is all this Wirles -G And Wireless-B and etc, I dont understand all of this. So can someone help recommend me a good wireless router. I dont care how much It costs.