I just got my DW6000 system about a month ago.. I was really exited about getting faster service cause I have always had dial-up and there is nothing faster that is offered in my area.. Anyway almost immediately I realized somthing wasn't right cause my downloads and browser would slow down and after a while they would speed back up.. Then I read about the FAP and I realized what it was.. I think I would have stuck with crappy dial-up had I known about the FAP.. How convienient that they forget to explain all the limitations when u call to order the service.. But nonetheless I paid the $600 bucks down and agreed to the 15 month contract.. So now that I'm stuck with it I have a few questions that maybe someone can help me with.. First off when I tested my connection on this site it tells me that I'm only using like 60% of my host connection.. Why is that and what can I do to improve it? Can anything be done at all? Also when using P2P programs what should I limit myself to as far as downloading? I know that the rule says no more than 169 MBs within 2-4 hours but I figure you guys may know a little more about it.. I use Limewire Pro btw.. Also I visit PCPitstop regular to check my connection but it never says anything about how much of my host connection that I'm using.. I will post my results from this site so everyone can see and mybe have some ideas.. Finally I have tried a couple of the TCP optimizer programs and the Bandwidth monitor programs but honestly I don't see any improvements.. If this is just the way it is then I guess that's it but I want to know for sure if it's not just something I'm doing.. MY PC is a Dell 2400 desktop with Pentium 4 2200 processor,80 gig hard drive, and 256 RAM.. If anyone can help with I would greatly appreciate it.. Thanx