I've been hammering at this issue for almost five months now. I am subscribed to the 3/768 package with Verizon Online DSL. I get very good results from the up and down testmy.net tool.. The problem I am having is the supplied Westell 2200 modem is dropping its connection to the Internet, but only for a few of seconds, and then reconnects as if nothing happened. This interruption in service will happen three or more times in any given hour, for a few hours, randomly but quite frequently every day. Reseting the modem does not clear it up. Reseting my Linksys router does not help. I've called Verizon Tech support numours times about this but they have been all but useless with troubleshooting the issue. I've begged and pleaded to get a service call to come out to my house and physically inspect the phone lines but all they do is run their line tests and say the "connection is good and a onsite visit is not necessary.". I've tried to explain that their line tests will not catch this problem. I've tried to connect directly to the Westell with my PC but I can't access the configuration page with my browser, and Verizon tech support refuses to divulge the information needed for accessing the modem. During one call, the tech said the Field engineers suggested a downgrade in sevice to the 1/512 package which is unacceptable. ( I'll go back to Cox Commo before that!) The thought behind that suggestion was that the modem can handle the data when it is coming in, but when it sends out it crashes, thus interrupting the flow of traffic. This makes it sound like a hardware issue, right? I tried updating the firmware for the modem, but again, Verizon refuses to divulge the needed encryption keys that the Update Tool asks for when it tries to write to the modem. My apologies for the long-winded post, but I am detailed and meticulous desktop support technician during the day and documenting all facts and chain of events of an issue is a force of habit. I will welcome any and all feedback from anyone if they think they can help. This ia very informative site BTW. I've learned many new things the few days I've been pouring over the forum.