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Posts posted by jerden69

  1. Well thank you. Yes, this is all my creation. All written from scratch... the forum software is the only thing that I didn't design. I use templates when I create sites for other companies but never with TestMy.net. TestMy.net is the only fully PHP based test of it's kind. The software on the server-side is a trade secret so I have to re-create a license version that will allow people to host it on their own server while still protecting TestMy.net's interests.

    Once this is online people will be able to sign-up for it 100% free of charge and have a clone test running on their server within minutes. These cloned tests will have their own separate database logging as well as all other TestMy.net features. A version with full control over the ads will be available for a monthly fee soon after it's release.

    I have half the code written in my head I just need to finish the prerequisites before I can dig into it.

    What ISP do you work for? What are the server specs?

    If you'd like I can contact you as soon as it's available. Just shoot me a PM with "Clone Test" in the subject.

    - CA3LE

    Its a Business ISP in Canada called Network Connection (connection.ca), we deal mostly with small to large businesses and provide them with DSL, web hosting etc. But the problem is becoming now that our customers would like to know their speeds and we have no qualms in telling them what they are getting but they always go to speedtest.net and that thing is hugely inaccurate. At the moment for testing purposes the server we are running is a Debain (Lenny) server with Apache. It works fine with the previous speed tests I've installed and run but alas they were no good. It really is like searching for a needle in a hay stack! Apart from the one you have coded have you come across any others?

    For now, you could just send them here and have them test off our servers... you said it yourself...

    ... Wouldn't the same be true for your customers.

    We would redirect them but then it leads into well if speedtest.net is no good why is this one and why don't you have one of your own? Its a pain that way.

  2. Yes, the software here is unique to TestMy.net. I used to offer remote testing but before the rebuild it was taken down for redesign of that system. This is planned for return either with version 11 or shortly after. Thank you for your intrest and kind words. Sorry that I don't currently have a solution for that but there are steps in the development process that are prerequisites for that system that aren't yet complete.


    Blooming heck you did this yourself? Nice going! Did you start from scratch or use something as a template?

    Do you or anyone here know of any other software similar to this? I work for a small ISP and we would like to provide our customers with a speed testing page for their connections that runs on our servers. As I said before I've played around with a few but only one worked well and that was insanely expensive.

    But I must say impressive stuff your speed test is one of only few that gave me back in anyway near enough correct speed the rest were all miles off.

  3. Hi Guys,

    I'm looking for some speed test software to host on a server I have here. It will be used for allowing people to see how fast their internet connection is from their location. I've looked around and I'm finding it hard to find a decent one. I've used the visualware one but its just tooo expensive. The one thats used on this site is a great one and works well, is that software available or is it custom made?

    Any help would be great.

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