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Posts posted by tvman

  1. Hi, i am signed up with xplornet in Canada which is through Hughesnet. I am on a 1.5 mb pak and evenings are terrible for me speed wise from around 5:00 pm till 10:00 pm, other than those times i get what i pay for.

    What i'm finding odd is that if i do a speed test from testmy.net in the evenings i will get pretty decent speeds but other speed test sites (speakeasy) not so good.

    Tonight for example at testmy i got around 1mb but at speakeasy i was only getting around 308 kbps. The Testmy speeds are also higher than what i get in the real world as i only get evening d/l speeds at 25-35 kb's. Can someone explain why Testmy speeds show higher than Speakeasy and also show higher than what i get when trying to d/l a file? Speakeasy seems to more accurately portray real world speeds. Thanks for any insight you can give me.

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