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  • Speed Test

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Posts posted by xCueYx

  1. sorry but if I had to use dial-up if I didn't kill myself Im sure at least I'd freak.......

    I know a lot of people say that. But when you've been using dial-up since 1998....then your pretty use to it. And to me, If i get 6 kbs downloading a song I'm psyched cause it'll take me 20 minutes to download instead of 35!

  2. well my isp is AOL, but i was using IE when i took the test cause i hate aol with all my heart. I dont know if anything outside the browser is affected, maybe i just got lucky. But its back down to 3 kbls when i take the test.

  3. yeah you can get it to go faster then 13kbps. I think reno's was up there when he was grounded from the internet but used his laptop for 56k. He has 15 or something I dont remember.

  4. i friggin hate aohell. But i cant get broadband cause im way out in the middle of nowhere. maybe ill devise some master plan to steal satellite uplink through my direct tv....yeah like that will happen.

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