I've got the same problem. I've done speed test's saying I should get ping down to 25-35, but on NZ or Aussie servers I consistently get ping over 100, and also constant lag spikes that send me over 300 and sometimes disconnect me completely (especially when people are using mics on games like L4D2 :S). Plus I have mates that are living 5 minutes away from me with the same isp and getting low ping.
I have a wireless modem but have plugged my computer directly into it. At times the net is shared, but this net speed happens regardless of whether I turn off all connections or not. My guess is that it's to do with my dodgy wireless modem that came from Xtra (Telecom- those cheap bastards). I just get the feeling that a new modem won't fix the problem, and that there's something else also. Tell me I'm wrong please! The cord connected to my modem comes from all the way downstairs from the router, but I've had it tested, and it says the signal is good
Btw, I don't think it's my computer... here are my specs:
Intel i7 920 @2.67GHz w/ win7 64-bit
Radeon Sapphire 5870 1GB
DFI Lanparty DK X58 T3eH6
I tried lowering the setting from ultra high to medium/low, and it doesn't change anything, so I believe it's definitely a net problem. I got rid of my virus scanner, and at one stage open ports up.. though not sure if I did it correctly. I got into the modem settings and allowed easy access to the games I play, didn't improve it that much though. I need help! I'm losing faith in online gaming cause of this ping! ONLINE GAMING IS MY LIFE!!! lol jks, but really, I do enjoy online gaming.