Thanx alot, I really appreciate you takeing the time to pound a reply. Yes I'm aware of that quirk, I try to click quikly, and quickly I did click! g's try to typr that three times fast! I have got lots of great feedback and I'm told that this is normal for cable connections. I have had 3000/384 service for a few years and was lucky to clear 250KBs. Then Rogers dug up my street and Volia. I had never seen any home service run like that and I'm still jumping off my old 1.7 willamette, Please don't laugh... I even got one of those old 845's with through back SD's HEY! I said NO LAUGHING but seriously I'm just glad that this old girl can still chew through most of what I throw at her Anyway shouts to everybody who filled this net lagged canuck in on the squack. May I ask? what was the string that asks for a fresh copy?? As you can see I'm still windows bound, and yeah I know this makes me a dim bulb, but I'm attempting to paste myself back in the loop thanks for all the iNFO.
P.S. anybody got a favorite linux dist. I should check out?