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Everything posted by LordTerror

  1. OK, here is the problem. I want to play 8 copiers of diablo at the same time (I made "bots" to automate most of the characters most of the time). Diablo II allows 4 games per IP MAXIMUM. I can run all 8 copies of diablo at the same time on my computer, but I somehow need a second IP address. A second port will not help as Diablo II asigns it's own ports. I need a way to get 4 of 8 diablo's to connect using a different IP. Perhaps a proxy would do it. How do I create a proxy, and how do I connect to one?
  2. Yes that is what I want. I want to beable to play two copies of the same game at the same time. But, because the game recognizes people by thier ip address, I need two IP addresses to be able to connect to the server twice.
  3. I would like to hook up my computer so that I can use half of my applications using one IP, and half using annother IP. What are some possible methods to do this? Some info: I have windows xp I have spare network cards, network cables, and hubs. I connect to my college internet connection using a network cable. Each connection to the internet has its own IP address.
  4. Each user gets 50k upload and 2500k download. The download is decent, but the upload sucks badly. It used to be that each user got 6000k upload and 8000k down load. The new cap is about 1% of full upload speed and 30% of full download speed.
  5. I have tried everything. Unforunatly, other people in the campus are now also having the same problem as I am. It seems that the college changed the upload cap from 6mbps to 50kbps. Is there any way to get rid of the cap? If there is no way to get rid of the cap, is there a way to compress the data (or something) to make the internet more efficent?
  6. Recently I have been having some problems with using the college's internet connection. I am the only one experiencing these problems and I have not had these problems in the past. My major problems are: VERY VERY slow upload speed (durring test). Somewhat slow download speed (durring test). Problems with using Diablo II (my main problem). When using Diablo II, I will get 30-70 ping for a few minutes, then I will get 4000-5000 ping spikes. Sometimes I will not beable to connect at all, sometimes it takes 10-30 seconds, and other times it is so redicusly fast that I never see the "connecting" screen. I am the only one that I know of on campus or Battle.net with these problems. Some Info: I'm running Windows XP Pro. When the internet DID work correctly, I got up to 8 Mbps download and 6 Mbps upload Currently I get 2.5 Mbps download and 45 Kbs (not Mbs). I am not running any tweak programs. I just scanned for spyware and viruses. I have no software firewalls (but the college itself has firewalls). I have the latest microsoft updates. Using tracert on testmy.net versus battle.net. Remember, I'm the only one with this kind of problem on battle.net, so it's not the site that is the problem. Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms 3 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms dsu-to-ddn-internet-cisco.dsu.edu [] 4 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms 5 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms ddn-internet-to-madison.core.rt.k12.sd.us [] 6 17 ms 17 ms 17 ms 7 17 ms 18 ms 16 ms sl-bb25-chi-4-0.sprintlink.net [] 8 17 ms 16 ms 17 ms sl-bb21-chi-13-0.sprintlink.net [] 9 38 ms 36 ms 38 ms sl-bb21-fw-10-0.sprintlink.net [] 10 37 ms 37 ms 37 ms sl-bb20-fw-14-0.sprintlink.net [] 11 37 ms 38 ms 37 ms sl-st21-dal-1-0.sprintlink.net [] 12 38 ms 39 ms 37 ms 13 44 ms 45 ms 38 ms sl-theplanet-3-0.sprintlink.net [] 14 38 ms 39 ms 38 ms dist-vlan32.dsr3-1.dllstx3.theplanet.com [] 15 38 ms 41 ms 40 ms dist-vlan21.dsr1-1.dllstx2.theplanet.com [] 16 39 ms 39 ms 38 ms dsr2-1-v2.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 17 43 ms 43 ms 43 ms gig1-0-2.tp-car9-2.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 18 43 ms 44 ms 49 ms 6.67-19-36.reverse.theplanet.com [] Trace complete. Tracing route to battle.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 3 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms dsu-to-ddn-internet-cisco.dsu.edu [] 4 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms 5 2 ms 3 ms 2 ms ddn-internet-to-madison.core.rt.k12.sd.us [] 6 33 ms 35 ms 33 ms 7 35 ms 35 ms 57 ms gbr6-p30.wswdc.ip.att.net [] 8 35 ms 34 ms 34 ms tbr1-p013801.wswdc.ip.att.net [] 9 50 ms 50 ms 52 ms tbr1-cl4.sl9mo.ip.att.net [] 10 95 ms 98 ms 94 ms tbr1-cl2.sffca.ip.att.net [] 11 93 ms 93 ms 93 ms gar4-p300.sffca.ip.att.net [] 12 98 ms 97 ms 99 ms idf22-gsr12-1-pos-6-0.rwc1.attens.net [] 13 96 ms 97 ms 96 ms mdf2-bi8k-2-eth-2-1.rwc1.attens.net [] 14 * * * Request timed out. (15 through 30 time out aswell). I hope someone can help.
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