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Posts posted by etwx100

  1. I'm pretty much of a Luddite when it comes to social media, but I do have a google account. However, it tells me if I want to log in the forum via an alternate account, I would have to consent to giving getsatisfaction "access". Although the rather ambiguous getsatisfaction privacy policy info says the usual yada-yada about we respect your privacy there is also a lot of "we may" do this and "we may" do that....etc. I just think it's weird that Hughesnet doesn't let you use your MyHughesnet account login to post on their very own forum, but that's the way they set it up. Guess I'll have to try to email them instead.

    On a so sad it's kinda funny slow speed note: this weekend I deliberately tried to FAP to use my token before the end of the month, but my day time speeds were so slow, my meter actually went up while I was downloading a couple Audible books. Same thing when I tried to download the audio version of the Economist from their website. Finally later in the evening, it went fast enough to finish the files and FAP me and I got to use the token...yay! :thumbsup:

    At any rate, I'm please with the increase in allowance and (hopefully) the rollover if it extends to the 7000S users. (With no other viable internet choice here, I'm going with a glass half full philosophy - heh). But I do wonder if they will evidently make us 7000S users an offer we can't refuse to upgrade to the 9000, or if they will literally just slow us out of it?

  2. If someone wants to post to the Hughesnet community forum, is there a way around consenting to "getsatisfaction" terms and sharing your info/alternate signup with them? Seems odd we can't just use our MyHughesnet account to sign in on a Hughesnet forum. If there's a way around "getsatisfaction" I'm not getting any satisfaction ( :rolleyes: ....sorry! ) and would appreciate advice. The CS agents on the Hughes forum do seem to be responsive to the posts there, but I'm not big on having to share logins with third parties.

    My speeds are averaging about 135kbsp now...sigh. Got the 50mb FAP limit increase which was great, but that seems to be the extent of improvements here. (Home plan, 7000S, 113 W. Signal strength 69, updated and clean computer)


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