actually I have a round dish. I haven't measured it, but it looks like it's a little bit less than a meter. I have a 10 1/2 foot mesh dish that I'm considering using. I guess what I need to know is the wave length so that I can choose dish that the signal won't pass through. Does anybody know if the signal will pass through an old dish with about 1/4th inth holes.
EMR traves at 186000 miles per second the same as light and reacts the same as light to clouds. The speed stays the same but the quanity that passes through the clousd is lesss thus reducing singnal strength not speed. even if it did defiy physics and slow down, say by 50 percent it would take 1/4th second instead of 1/8th to reach the satellite. That couldn't possibly make much difference to upload speed.
You can think of EMR the same as electricity going through a resistor. The higher the resistance is less current gets through, but the speed remains the same.
I'm thinking of going to a 10 foot dish to keep my singnal strength high during storms. Has anybody tried that yet. I never lest enugh signal on a 10 foot c band dish to significently reduce my signal during a storm.
How does haze or clouds effect speed. Doesn't EMR travel at the same speed through clouds as it does through clear sky's? Could error correction possibly cause a slow down with clouds present?
I live in florida and loose signal in thunder storms just about every afternoon. I know from the days when I sold and installed C and KU band equipment that the size of the dish made a great difference on the signal leval. Can I mount my receive and transmit eqipment on a larger disn?