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About dbricks33

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. :DWhen I first got my Direcway DW6000 I was trippin on here everyday askin questions cuz it was almost as slow as 56k but now its good u all..Give it time after you first get it bout a week then you should be 20%+ faster then the avg satellite provider so just to let u kno sometimes it goes slow but never more then 10 minutes for me and always downloads at an impressive rate basically not better then cable or DSL but if you had a 56k like me this is like heaven so those who are not sure and are kinda iffy if your new to it just give it a little time and u should be good ok! Good luck D-bricks DW6000 user
  2. At 11:00PM pacfic time this is what it is... :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1006 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Download Speed is:: 123 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (main) Test Time:: Mon May 9 22:58:40 PDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 18X faster than 56K 1MB download in 8.33 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 26.54 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-QUIY9O0XZ And that is really really nice I have no prob lem with that its when the connection is at 100 and download speed is at 22 is when i get mad but this is about the best I get and Ive ran about 3 test a day since I bought it?
  3. So do u reccomend buying a DW4000 off ebay and everything will be better or what are u suggesting basically I have no other option then Direcway DSL and cable are not avialble up here cuts off about 2 miles down..unreal!
  4. (dDisregard comment above^^^) Sorry few more questions I found out about the 169MB limit a day... 1.Does anybody know of a seprate program that counts the amount of data u have downloaded in a specfic amount of a time besides that p2p program that can make sure I dont go over that limt? 2. And does the daily limit start at 00:00 and end at 24:00 aka 12am to the following 12am or when does it start and end each day? Thanks
  5. oh ok so u have direcway u just dont download anything unusually big?... and if and 169MB how much is that in KB's?
  6. When do u get a clean slate after that?
  7. IT was doing good but now i test it about 1 week and a half later right now im running at 2X 56k this is ridiculous whats going on I thought it might be because of like prime time and the waves are crowded but last night like at 2 AM i was tryin to download something on ARES and it was downloading at 2kbps...whats goin on I cant have a internet that 1 hour its 50% better then the average then the next hour im running at like 20%of the average speed or 2X faster then 56k please let me know is there hope? And i downloaded a game last night that was preety big is there some kind of limit then they take speed away from u let me know thanks
  8. Ya tell me about it im not a racist person but those guys are irritating I could not understand them and I talked to 8 diffrent people and half of the time I was tryin to confirm what they were sayin but hopefully I wont have to contact them again well all wait about a day or so since tommrow will be the 3rd day and ill let you guys know thanks for your help and hopefully you wont hear from me?...lol
  9. Is it really true that cloudy weather will slow it down alot and stuff like that what kind of limit do you kno? And it was slow for the first couple days you got it?
  10. Thanks for the help..ya ill try to retest it and the guy said to browse with these speeds for a few days and it should automatically adjust itself but I wasnt sure and was kind of scared spending all this money u kno?...im not sure about what u mean by the peak times and how much Ive downloaded but ya Im haveing the same problem Above avg speed then way below avg speed so im not sure
  11. I just got the new direway interent DW6000 modem and it was slow right away I then called the customer hotline and they gave me all these troubleshooting tips and it sped up but not satellite type speed last night I was running very fast well downloading 4:00 minute songs on a average of 3-4 minutes which isnt bad but I go on this morning and browsing and downloading speed is very very slow it fluxuates but even when i restart it goes back down its like it needs time?? Can someone help me Ive troubleshooted Ive unplugged,reconnected wires last night I was running 25% higher then other direcway customers now im only running at 16% of the average or a horrible 2X faster then dial up whats goin on here????? I run windows XP on a dell do i need some kind of driver??
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